Present Truth Resource Library (PTRL) aims to be a trusted place that provides a myriad of resources that first aids you in becoming established in the knowledge of God’s covenant with the Church, affectionately referred to in the scriptures as ‘present truth’ (1 Peter 2:10-12). Secondly, we desire to serve your endeavor to grow as a minister, aiding in your assignment to establish others in the faith.
Study Guides are designed to serve as ‘tour guides’ that walk you through the scriptures to see specific doctrines, prophecies, or subject matters from God’s perspective. They are safe because they’re written within the laws of rightly dividing the word: in context, in the Mystery of God, and in light of all scripture.
Study Guides are used as tools to discover foundational scriptures to build from, as well as corroborating scriptures on the subject matter. These guides are great resources for studying. They are also helpful tools to guide you in ministry, including message delivery.
‘A Glimpse Into The Eternal World’ is filled with revelatory insight of the Kingdom of God and the eternal world that awaits us in the new heavens and new earth.
You will discover God’s plan from beginning to end, revealed in the scriptures. You will discover God’s will for Christ, your life, the Church, angels, mankind, and so much more. This study guide goes into details, asking questions and providing answers to things that we’ve all wondered, as well as things we’ve never thought to ask. Ultimately, it gives clear and precise knowledge of God’s eternal judgment. We hope that by the time you put this study guide down, you’ll be filled with all the knowledge you need to be well able to accomplish God’s call on your life to serve others.
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